Ten Minutes To A Better Life And A Better World


(5th In A Series)



Stress is one of the leadinghealth problems in the world.This refers to negative stressrather than a positive stress. Apositive stress enables us to pursuegoals and have positiverewards. In this article I will bedescribing the negative stressthat we can call mental/emotionaldistress. Stress leads tomany biological disturbancese.g. increased heart rate andblood pressure, reduced immunityso we are liable to suffermore illnesses, disturbed sleep,disturbed interpersonal relationships,prone to depression, apathyand helplessness, anddecline in our general enjoymentof life.Chronic stress leads to anincreased production of cortisolwhich is the hormone responsiblefor reducing immunity. Italso causes chromosomal damageat the ends of the chromosomescalled telomeres that areshortened by the effect of cortisol.As the telomeres shorten sodoes our longevity. Since all ofus fundamentally want to behealthy throughout our life, itmakes sense to avoid situationsin life that lead to stress.I think everyone is familiar withstress as it is pervasive in thelives of most people. How doesone develop stress and howcould one reduce or avoid it?One has to examine one’sthoughts, feelings, attitudes,behavior, and interactions withother people. It is important tonote how other people’s wordsand behavior affect us. If whatpeople think, say or do, and theyaffect us because we internalizethem, then they will affect us asmentioned above. The importantprinciple here is to be awareof what one is reacting to andwhy. This requires a state ofmindfulness. If we are awarehow we are stressed, then wecan work on solutions to relievethe stress. To do so we need tobe in touch with the core of ourbeing where confidence, selfesteem,will and understandingare present. We also must understandthat other people’s behaviortowards us need not affect usif we do not accept and internalizethem. Mentally we can belike a reflector and reflect thatwhich comes to us rather thanabsorbing it.To arrive at a well-adjusted statephysically, mentally and emotionally,it is necessary to seekthe strength that lies within.This is where the ten minutes ofmeditation mentioned in severalprevious articles becomes veryuseful. If we take only ten minutesand withdraw within ourselfin the depth of silence, wewill find a source of strength,self-confidence, self-esteem, andcontrol to avoid becomingstressed out. Stress manifestsonly in the mental/emotionalstate and affects the body. If wemeditate for ten minutes eachevening with a serene mind on astate of peace and well-beingthen, with continued practice,that feeling of peace and wellbeingwithin will manifest fromthe subconscious mind into oureveryday life. The benefits to bederived will more than compensatefor spending this bit oftime for our well-being and astress-free life. Once we experiencethis state, even if a situationthat would normally bestressful, we will have the mentaland emotional strength tominimize or abolish the stress.We need to remember that thesource of peace and well-beingof our life lies within our Self.Dr. J. Das is the President, KabirAssociation and Global ClergyAssociation.