Rio 2 (G) ***


Birds Of A Feather Back Together Again!

By Alan Samuel

Upbeat in the extreme is Rio 2.  Fresh food for thought is this inspiring and colourful flick from 20th Century Fox films now carving a nice niche of happy audiences t Cineplex Odeon theatres across B.C.

About two years ago from out of nowhere came the first Rio movie.  Bright colours and fun characters introduced us to the wacky, fun world of a bird family who could talk and were  majestic blue. Based in lively Rio this new version sees the flock of birds head into the deep dark corners of The Amazon.

Once I the wild the true colours if this family shine as the flock run into all sort of hostility, not the least of which is an industrial cad bent on logging this natural wonderland. So there is an underlying theme of the environment versus industrialization which will be lost on. Oat of the kids but adults will certainly clue into this confrontations.

Where Rio 2 really comes alive is In The funny songs, upbeat tempo and hilarious dance numbers. Great choreography makes the animated movie rock.  Made I. 3-D these effects are good and all the natural beauty of The Amazon is delightfully captured. Little ones will thoroughly enjoy this treat.

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