It’s A Long Journey From Self-Actualization To Self-Realization


By Dr. Sawraj Singh

First of all, we should understand that self-actualization and self-realization are not one and the same thing, self-actualization is basically a western concept which means to raise awareness about self. However, in practice it means concentrating on yourself or seeing your existence alienated and divorced from others and limited to yourself. It makes a person self- centered, self- assertive and selfish. The concept of self-realization makes you submerge your reality in the total reality or see yourself as the part of the whole. Self-actualization makes you arrogant while self-realization makes you humble. Arrogance leads to ignorance whereas humility leads to knowledge. Self-actualization makes you greedy. However, self-realization makes a person share and care.

The western capitalism has promoted selfishness, arrogance and greed under the cover of self-actualization. Why does that suit the interest of western capitalism? Selfish, arrogant and greedy persons become ideal consumers. They only want to take from and not give anything back to society. They live to fulfill their desires. However desires can neither be defined nor be fulfilled. Therefore, they are left with the feeling of incompleteness and are constantly striving to get more consumer things to get a feeling of satisfaction and fullness. However, the more consumer items they acquire, their desires becomes even bigger than what they have acquired. The result is that they are caught in a vicious cycle of acquiring things only to have increased desire to have more things. This phenomenon is commonly called “Rat race.” An incomplete person is the ideal consumer.

Self-realization gives the feeling of completeness to a person. Completeness comes from contentment with what you have rather than constantly striving for more. True happiness remains elusive for the persons who feel incomplete. In the final analysis, true happiness can only be achieved through contentment. Our goal should not be to constantly strive for more things in search of happiness but to learn to feel contented with what we have. Ultimately, self-realization is the only thing which can lead to contentment. Because, we learn to recognize our needs rather than running after desires. Needs can be defined and therefore can be fulfilled.

In my humble opinion, Sri Guru Granth Sahib has the highest evolved philosophy and wisdom of the East. The concept of self-realization is very well explained and emphasized in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Self-realization is the way to realize the ultimate reality, the eternal truth. Realization of one’s true self leads to realization of God. A person at the level of self-actualization can be selfish, greedy and arrogant. However, a person who has realized his true self becomes sharing, caring and humble. Self-actualization recognizes two dimensions of human existence, body and mind.  However, self-realization leads to awareness of the third dimension, the soul. A person can become a complete person only after      realization of the third dimension, otherwise he will always remain incomplete. Self-actualization focuses on the mind whereas self-realization focuses on the soul. The persons who are focused on the mind are called Manmukhs in Sri Guru Granth Sahib whereas those persons who have realized their souls are called Gurmukhs. Sri Guru Granth Sahib advocates becoming a Gurmukh from a Manmukh whereas western capitalism promotes Manmukhs. Manmukhs are egoist people whereas Gurmukhs are completely enlightened people. Manmukhs are incomplete and discontented. Therefore they can never be truly happy.

Gurmukhs become complete and contented. They experience true happiness, the supreme bliss. Manmukhs are always suffering from anxiety, fear and insecurity. They try to overcome these feelings by acquiring more material things. They become good consumers but they cannot get rid of these feelings. The more things they acquire, these make them more anxious and insecure because they become more fearful that these things can be taken away from them. Gurmukhs feel that they are the part of the whole. Therefore, they transcend the feelings of entitlement and possessiveness. When you lose this feeling, then you also lose your feelings of anxiety, fear and insecurity. This is true happiness or supreme bliss. Self-realization is the only way to achieve it.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected].