Is My Boyfriend Cheating? Ask Paarull


If you have a question about your relationship that bothers you and you don’t know who to ask, the LINK has you covered. Ask Paarull at [email protected]!

My boyfriend of four years has been acting weird lately! He maintains a distance from me physically and is always making excuses when I ask him to meet? Is he cheating?

Well my dear, it’s one of those situations where you know someone who will say “ it happened to a friend of a friend of mine”. Let me tell you something darling, when a man is interested in you, he would do anything to be close to you and very close so there is your first clue that there might be problem. I mean, if you’ve been together for four years and THAT is a very long time and if all is well in a relationship, then after four years your bond should be so strong that you always want to be together  both emotionally and physically. As far as meeting each other is concerned, it almost becomes a norm after such a long period to want to see each other more than twice a week if you already don’t live together. . Although, I do feel trouble in your relationship but I wouldn’t jump to conclusions such as calling him a cheater. My advice to you sweetheart would be to have an honest conversation with your man and try to sort things out BUT if even after the conversation you feel that he’s not open about his feelings and continues with the same behavior then please, please do yourself a favor and MOVE ON. Time is precious darling and the world is your oyster!

My boyfriend wants to borrow money from me and he says that he will pay me back even though a month ago I lent him $2,000 and I still haven’t gotten it back.  How can I say no to my boyfriend? What should I do?

Listen honey! Always keep your finances and relationships separate as money is the leading cause of divorces these days.  You lending money to him puts you in a very vulnerable situation where you are the hero as well as the villain. You play the role of a hero when he needs the money but dare you ask for the money back, you become the culprit or the Villain in this relationship. Although relationships are all about sharing but the money you worked hard for and have every right on, should only be yours to keep my dear. If you want to save this relationship then my advice to you sweetheart is to learn to say ‘NO’. DO NOT lend him any more money and if he is a keeper then he will NEVER let this affect your relationship. The sooner you learn the NO word the better.

He doesn’t want to declare our relationship to the world. He doesn’t introduce me to his friends as his girlfriend, he never changed his Facebook status from ‘being single’ to ‘being in a relationship’, and he doesn’t ever save any of our pictures together on his phone. What should I do?

Usually, I don’t advise this right away but for you my dear, please BE CAREFUL of this guy. When the male species acts like this then all it really means is that they are keeping their options open for other potential mates. This man DEFINITELY has an agenda of another kind. Such behavior is common when one either has a commitment phobia, confusion about their choice of mate, or is just looking to have fun! But quite frankly, Paarull advises to please leave him as he is nothing but bad news. There are  billions of people in this world and I’m sure that one of them is your Mr. Perfect.

If you have a relationship question that you’d like to share then – Ask Paarull at [email protected]!