The Faerie Play Provides A Unique Theatre Experience At The Sharing Farm


The Faerie Play is a site-specific theatrical production for children and families set on The Sharing Farm in Richmond. This enchanting story is about a child who is part of the local theatre school and is stolen by one of the farm’s resident fairies and must be found by the rest of the cast (and the audience) before she disappears forever into the fairy world.  By joining in and following the trail of the fairies and the other residents of the Sharing Farm, the audience will help to solve the mystery.

While searching for the lost girl, the audience is guided through the farm learning the secrets of the land.   On this journey you will meet raptors, voles, daisies and potatoes that live on The Sharing Farm through Frank Rader and Iona Dan and Joseph Paul’s wonderful puppets as they solve the mystery at the sunflower circle.  The play takes place when farm work is actually being done giving the audience an opportunity to interact with the farmers enhancing the understanding of nature and the importance of growing food.

“This intriguing production is an open invitation for families to come and experience the farm,” stated James Gates, Executive Director of the Sharing Farm. “I hope both parents and children will learn in a fun and creative way about the value of farming and the food we all depend on.”  After the show the audience is invited to join the performers and farmers to share tea in the garden, giving everyone a chance to share their experience. There will also be light snacks available from the cob oven, in between the performances.

This production brings together again the team who brought you the hit Salmon Row. Peter Hall is Directing, Frank Rader is puppet master and maker, Iona Dan, Joseph Paul and Amanda Kenoras (members of Tsatsu Stalquayu Coastal Wolfpack) will be both performing in the play and designing puppets and Barbara Clayden and Stephanie Kong are co-designing costumes for the production. Also included in the production are members of the Richmond Gateway Academy and children from the Richmond area. Utilizing puppets, stilts, music and actors, this play takes the audience through the site to share the secrets of the land and its residents.

“Fields of beautiful organic vegetables, flowers and grasses plus a shady woodlot inhabited by owls and cooper hawks,” stated Director Peter Hall.   “If ever there was a natural site that called out to Mortal Coil to weave its theatrical magic, it would be The Sharing Farm. This Richmond gem lends itself perfectly to our company’s style of using puppets, stilts, mask and music.”

Originally produced at the Curly Willow Farm by Runaway Moon Theatre in Enderby, The Faerie Play has been re-conceived specifically for the Sharing Farm site.  By inviting the audience to share in the journey to solve the mystery through a community experience, everyone is introduced to the many lives, hidden and not, that make up an urban Farm.


By Lois Anderson, Cathy Stubbington with Peter Hall

An Enchanting Story on Richmond’s best-kept secret, The Sharing Farm

Dates:                                   Aug. 5 – 15, 2015

Preview Weds. Aug 5 @ 6:30pm

Opening Night Fri., Aug. 7 @ 6:30pm

Ticket Prices:                      Adults $15, Seniors/Students $12, Child 6 – 12 $5, Child under 6 – Free

Showtimes:                        August 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15: Two Shows @ 3:30pm Matinee & 6:30pm

Address:                              The Sharing Farm, 2771 Westminster Highway, Richmond, BC

Box Office:                

More Info:                

Notes:                                  Run time, 75 minutes, Please bring comfortable walking shoes