Ask Paarull!


Don’t Give Up On Love Too Quickly Ever Lasting Love

Usually we hear everything negative related to LOVE, this makes us lose the belief in LOVE, why is it so? It doesn’t really have to be that way.

True LOVE does exist and it’s up to us to believe it. When it comes to you, don’t doubt it and don’t question it, JUST simply accept it. Just because you hear about the mishaps in marriage or relationships, that doesn’t mean that it’s all bad! It can be good and if good comes to you then accept it and cherish it. Don’t doubt it because it can go away as easily as it came.

If you’ve been hurt before…

Just move on and start believing in LOVE again, and I know that it’s easier said than done but that’s the only way you will get to really enjoy your life instead of being upset over someone that probably didn’t really deserve you in the first place.

Separated or Divorced?

Try it one more time, give LOVE another chance and don’t label yourself as a divorcée, etc. Give yourself that second chance.

Never dated anyone?

Well there’s always a first time for everything!  Find a friend who dates more often and ask them to give you pointers. Don’t be afraid, it’s actually a blessing to fall in love.

Is he about to propose and you’re scared?

Just say “YES”, it can’t be that bad. He will not change and he will still love you, listen to your heart and say “Yes”!

Scared to ask her out?

Just ask her! You will never know if you don’t and there will never be another time! Just trust your feelings for her and go and ask. What’s the worst that can happen? She will say ‘No’? So what? At least you tried…

Scare to say ‘I love you’

Just say it, show them how you feel about them and those three words are so powerful that they might even change the whole dynamic of your relationship.

Don’t be afraid of love, it’s actually a good thing and a blessing in disguise. Believe in it and enjoy the process.

XOXO Paarull

Paarull Bakshi is a marketing consultant at Brand D Media ( If you have a relationship question that you’d like to share then – Ask Paarull at [email protected]!