Your Adrenal Gland Is A Key To Better Health!


By Dr. Dhillon

Tips for an overall healthy lifestyle are also tips for a healthy adrenal gland function.

Stress management

Remove the stress, or learn how to better deal with the stress. Recognize that different people react differently to the same stressor and do things you enjoy to lead a happier life.  Laugh often and enjoy little things in life. Make time to have fun. Do these things even if it means putting yourself ahead of others-especially if you are a “people-pleaser”. Keep yourself from getting exhausted and learn how to pace yourself (Type A personalities).


Your adrenal gland “loves” routine, since routine since it means not having to adapt to any change. Eat sleep and work at regular times.


Sleep well, wake up and sleep at the same time to maintain a rhythmic sleep-wake cycle. Avoid TV and computers and don’t sleep late. According to Ayurvedic medicine, your body repairs the most at 10pm to 2am in the morning so sleep early to avoid losing any time to repair.


Exercise is a great stress reliever. Anything from playing sports, to walking can be enjoyable and improves your immunity and circulation.


Eat small well balanced meals, with adequate protein carbohydrates, and fat. Try to eat breakfast within an hour of getting up. Do not skip any meals. Don’t eat a late dinner.

Avoid caffeine. Since it will raise cortisol levels, and can keep you up at night and therefore upset your sleep pattern.

Avoid high sugar foods including starchy foods such as potatoes and white bread  sugary fruit like mangoes, and melons. Learn about glycemic index and glycemic load.

Avoid trans fat and greasy food which will slow your digestion and raise your bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol

Improve your energy, book a one on one appointment to discuss your personalized treatment plan.

Do you have any of the following symptoms?

abdominal weight gain


low mood

low blood pressure

sugar cravings


afternoon fatigue

chronic inflammation

panic attacks

syndrome X

chronic disease of CV system or GI system


weakened immunity and recurrent infection

subclinical hypothyroidism

Then you could benefit by improving your adrenal gland function!!!

What is the Adrenal Gland?

Your adrenal gland is a small gland that sits on top of each of your kidneys and helps your body deal with stress by releasing a stress hormone called cortisol.

What is the relationship of the adrenal gland with stress?

First of all, your body cannot tell the difference between mental, emotional, or physical stress.  In a practical sense, that means there is no difference between you working a long hard day at the office crunching numbers, or a struggling with a recent breakup with a partner, or working a physically taxing job that requires heavy lifting.   In other words, all of those stressors will receive an equivalent response from your adrenal gland. The response is to specifically increase your stress hormones, so you can better adapt to and deal with stress.  In essence it ensures your survival.