Molly’s Game (PG) *** Lady Makes Own Luck Which Leads To Power And Celebrity… And Then To Jail!



By Alan Samuel

Money makes the world go round. Get the inside scoop of a business plan like no other With Molly’s Game. Share the joy of this festive eye-opener from EOne  Entertainment  now turning heads at the Fifth Avenue Cinemas, International Village Cinemas and other Cineplex Theatres  around B.C.

Taken from a real life true story Molly’s Game reveals the tumultuous life of one Molly Bloom. Blessed with an uncanny athletic ability young Molly was well on her way to a successful Olympic career. Give it up to Jessica Chastain  (Miss Sloan) who seizes the day as the hot to trot downhill mogul skier whose career is managed well by a rather overbearing dad played to the max  by Kevin Costner (The Bodyguard). Street smarts are in this lady’s DNA as she high tails it to the heady west coast when those snow walls come a tumbling down.

Able to make quite the transformation quite easily the upstart proves to be a quick study learning the Ins and outs of gambling by way of a new part-time job. Noting the lucrative nature of illicit gambling and those readily available endless stacks of cash Ms Bloom methodically develops her own den of high stakes poker and proves to be more than capable of attracting obscenely Wealthy dreamers.

What goes on behind closed doors among consenting adults is supposed to stay private. Even with all the precautions in the world  set up it’s not hard to believe that someday something bad  will begin to happen . So it’s not too big a surprise to see this second career of Molly Bloom come to a screeching halt . Down but never out watch this determined lass go to the wall to get her name cleared  and renew her free living. How a guilty person can beat the odds may well rest On The sturdy shoulders of a Johnny come  lately lawyer portrayed with suitable conviction by a fine suited  Idris Elba.

Points go out to this film’s realistic riveting atmosphere and its balanced look at the pros and cons of  gambling and its potential negative consequences for all involved along with another pitch perfect performance from Ms. Chastain who truly does justice as a one of a kind entrepreneur.