Arya Samaj Society Celebrates Family Day With Big Celebration


By Madhu Varshney, President

Arya Samaj celebrated Family Day at its hall located at 6884 Jubilee Avenue, Burnaby, on Feb 7th 2015. It was a glorious celebration and a huge success with several music and dance performances as well as presentations from various guest speakers on Family values and strong bonds built on love and kindness.

The event started off with lots of reflection on the importance of having a family and forming healthy relationships among family members followed by a sumptuous vegetarian spread that was enjoyed by all.

The festivities continued with much delight and participation by many bringing out their talents and providing the audience a wonderful entertainment. The colorful gathering was happily enjoyed in the company of parents, loved ones and friends while listening to speeches and partaking in the rhythmically entertaining vocal melodies.

Summary of our valuable speakers who presented their views as below :

  • Tips on safe home environment, – knowledge and relationships to improve our overall  well being. Taking steps to reduce the chance of possible accidents and injuries. Prepare an emergency Safety Kit and Evacuation plan in case of emergency.
  • Healthy Lifestyle – Ensuring everyone regularly eats healthy, drink plenty of water and has sufficient adequate sleep and physical exercise.
  • Routine Check Up – Ensure everyone in the family goes for routine check up with a trusted family doctor and children’s immunization are up to date .Listening to your body and not ignore any signs and follow doctor’s instructions.
  • Relationships with family – Spending quality time with family and a good relationship between children and parents. Building a positive, loving and respectful family atmosphere.
  • Controlling internal enemies – Eliminating  greed , anger ,envy and attachment as well as  negative thoughts and energy
  • Unconditional Love- Security & Safety, feeling of being wanted and appreciated and acknowledging good deeds.

Thank you Dr H.Gopinath ,Vinod Sekhri , Dr D.P.Goel, Usha Ummat and Navin Goburdhun for their contribution as our featured speakers on the occasion.

Congratulations to Arya Samaj and its families for their 3rd BC “Family Day” celebration.            It was a magnificent splendor and a great collaboration of a cultural event put together.

“A peaceful loving family brings out a peaceful happy society”