Grief Can Actually Makes You Stronger Following A Great Loss


By Paarull Bakshi

Similar to love, grief is another emotion that is hard to cope with for human beings. It’s not something that we deal with in the right and proper manner. This grief could be related to a loved one passing away or a sheer tragedy that you may have faced or any hardship for that matter.

This emotion can almost be so difficult for us to cope with that we almost become emotionless at first then maybe angry and later just deal with it in our own ways as we do all have our individual ways of dealing with things.

It can either make you weak or make you much stronger. It bothers you to an extent where it brings you a tremendous amount of strength. Maybe you were given this grief to LEARN from it and once you’ve learnt what you were meant to learn, you grief will lessen and the pain will subside.  But accept this learning period as it only makes you stronger.

How grief makes one stronger?

It teaches us to feel the opposite of what happiness is

When you feel this emotion, you feel an extreme low in which only that pain exists and nothing else

Your pain tolerance becomes much stronger

You live in the moment where only that moment exists – you accept the present which is very rare for us humans as we only seem to live either in the past or the present

It gives you  reality check – this in turn makes you much tolerable to a lot of different types of pain

It pushes you to let go of old beliefs

Old habits may change – this breaks the cycle and change is brought into our lives

It makes your happiness double – as you experience grief, you cherish your happiness even more as now you’ve seen the contrast and this feeling of sheer happiness just seems to double

The types of grief:

Some grief will probably never go away as all that it does is – change the intensity as time progresses – this could be one of losing a loved one

Other types of grief can be temporary as it’s something that can be filled with other ‘fillers’ – this could be something like getting divorced! – it feels horrible when it first happens but there is an end to everything as they say, once you fill that void with another person, your grief may lessen

All emotions, being negative tend to come into our lives to teach us something but it’s really up to us to take it as a learning process.

Life as they say is just a learning process, some of us learn well while others take much longer to process what they are meant to do. It can take many years for us to realize what it is that we are truly meant to do but once we figure it out, it makes life that much more simpler and you feel much more content.

In the words of the Dalai Lama:

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.

Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

XOXO Paarull

Paarull JS Bakshi

A little bit about me: I work mostly in Marketing and PR, being a small business consultant specializing in marketing, it has taught me a lot about Business in the last many years. I also believe that one has to be spiritually connected and sort of one with self before one can achieve some or any Business Success for that matter. It’s the mind what we have to work on, I know it’s a very ‘heard it before’ phenomena but it is still very much a reality.  I believe in working with our mind and spirituality before we can build the Business a lot more stronger.