Is The World Isolating Muslims?


NEW DELHI –  9/11 was the day that changed the way the world looked at Islam, a day that spread Islamophobia like a virus, and a day that Muslims chose the path of self-designed social isolation. However, this day of historic horror should also be seen as a milestone on the long road the world was already travelling.

Is Social segregation unavoidable to protect the Muslim identity? The conservative Muslim communities ask the believers to be segregated from the secular society to be truth to their faith. “We need to be protected,” they argue and the only way out is to live apart from cultures other than that of Islam. However, isolation as a strategy has proved defective and failed to make the Islamic-way of life any better time and over again. Many surveys have highlighted the increasing divide and feeling of isolation among the Muslims, which is many believe is by and large brought about by the same community with its self-designed social isolation and self-estrangement. According to a survey on coexistence by pollsters Gallup, the European Muslims fear far more isolated than those living in the United States. A report on British Muslims finds that nevarly 80 per cent Muslims in the country suffered Islamophobia. Another study says schools run by Muslim boards in Britain are becoming increasingly disconnected from society, and some are even going the extremist line.