NDP Says Premier Clark Failing To Deliver On Jobs, LNG Bonanza


VICTORIA – New Democrats took Premier Christy Clark to task in the legislature over her failure to deliver on empty promises of jobs and windfall profits from LNG.

“Christy Clark knows what people want to hear, and even sounds sincere when she says it. But where she falls down is that she doesn’t deliver,” said New Democrat leader John Horgan.

“She said she would make this province first in the county in private sector job creation. Instead, she’s made us ninth. She said she would open new mines. But in Tumbler Ridge, nearly 1,000 people have lost their jobs in the mining sector. In 2011, she held a photo op at a Nanaimo mill and promised to create jobs. This week, Western Forest Products said it’s closing that very same mill, and she’s not willing to go back and explain to those workers what the plan is for them.”

The premier also promised the people of Likely that she would stand “shoulder to shoulder” with them in the wake of the Mount Polley tailings pond failure. But after her first visit, she never returned, and the government has done nothing yet to help workers and local businesses that are dealing with this devastation.

“How can the people of Likely, and the workers in Tumbler Ridge and Nanaimo, ever take this premier at her word again?” said Horgan.

New Democrats also held the premier to account for her wild pre-election promises on LNG, which left B.C. in a weak bargaining position with LNG developers. In the Throne Speech this week, the government backed away from these promises.

“The premier promised that LNG would erase the province’s debt, B.C. Ferries’ debt and B.C. Hydro’s debt, and do away with the PST forever. It would even generate $1 trillion in economic activity, she said. Now, she’s put British Columbians right where Petronas wants us – she can’t deliver an LNG tax bill to the house because Petronas hasn’t finished drafting it yet,” said Horgan.