Premier-Designate Horgan Makes More Leadership Appointments Ahead Of Swearing In Next Tuesday


VICTORIA— Premier-designate John Horgan made more appointments ahead of his NDP government and cabinet swearing in next Tuesday in Victoria.

“After 16 years we have a lot of work to do to address the problems caused by B.C. Liberal choices. I’m confident that the leadership team we’re building has the energy, drive and commitment to deliver the change we promised British Columbians,” said Carole James, Victoria-Beacon Hill MLA and spokesperson for Transition.

Horgan confirmed the following leadership appointments:

  • Donna Sanford, currently a Senior Policy Analyst at the Climate Action Secretariat, will move to a new role as Executive Director of the Confidence and Supply Agreement Secretariat, a new office in the Premier’s Office responsible for delivering on the agreement between the B.C. New Democrat government and the B.C. Green caucus.
  • Sage Aaron will take on the role of Director of Communications in the Premier’s Office; she is currently Director of Communications for MoveUP.
  • Kate Van Meer-Mass will assume new duties as Director of Operations in the Premier’s Office, with broad responsibility for supporting the new Premier, including tour planning, scheduling, and other leadership responsibilities.

Horgan further confirmed that Jen Holmwood will assume the role of Deputy-Director of Communications in the Premier’s Office, Sheena McConnell will serve as the Premier’s Press Secretary, and Marie Della Mattia will serve the Premier as a Special Advisor. All three held similar roles for the Leader of the Opposition.

James noted all members of the leadership team are focussed on delivering on Horgan’s commitments to British Columbians.

“British Columbians are ready for new leadership that works for everyday people, not just those at the top, and our team is ready to deliver it,” said James.

“We are already working on ways to make life more affordable, to deliver the services people count on, and to build a strong, sustainable economy with good jobs throughout the province.”