Following racist Quebec killer Alexandre Bissonette gunning down innocent and defenceless Muslim Canadians, there has been an outpouring of support for the Muslim community with many vigils and marches. Canadian spirit aspires to embrace the fruits of compassion, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, forbearance, fortitude, grace, healing, kindness, mercy, love, patience, peace, self-control and understanding. A vigil prayer for the victims of Quebec slaughter was held at Holland Park in Surrey, which was attended by about one hundred people with the aim to show solidarity with the victims’ families and to bring together generations of people from different faiths to promote peace and understanding in a world faced with extremism and violence. Surrey mayor Linda Hepner and a myriad of MPs and MLAs condemned the savage attack in the strongest terms possible. A strong presence of faith-based and non-profit organizations made it clear that we will conquer hate with compassion, love, understanding and justice.