UK Sikhs Donate Blood To Support Hunger Activist Surat Singh Khalsa


LONDON – Sikhs across the UK are being mobilised to donate blood over this week to express their support for 82-year-old activist Surat Singh Khalsa’s protest seeking release of Sikh prisoners who have already completed their jail-terms.

An internet campaign titled “UK Blood Donation Week” has been launched as a symbolic support for Khalsa, who has been on indefinite fast for long.

“This is regarded as a small sacrifice compared with Khalsa’s protest to highlight issues in India. I would urge all Sikhs to donate blood and play part in this campaign,” said a Sikh who donated blood in Bristol.

“We have a strong community of Sikhs in Bristol, so it’s important they all get involved,” he told Bristol Post.

Chaz Singh, spokesperson for the campaign in south- west England, said: “I would urge that Sikhs carry out this small task to reflect the Sikh values of giving. “Sikhs across the UK have been brought together around the Sikh Lives Matter campaign.”

Last week, 20 Sikh protesters were arrested and at least one police officer was injured as a protest organised by the group turned violent outside the Indian High Commission.

Hundreds of demonstrators had gathered for a sit-in protest in solidarity with Sikhs in Punjab but the initially peaceful demonstration turned violent forcing police to cordon off the area known as Aldwych around the Indian mission.

Sikh groups have also planned to hold a protest in London on November 13 during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the UK.