Vancouver’s Muslim And Gay Communities Hold Joint Protest At Trump Tower


VANCOUVER – Protesters held hands in front of the Trump tower in Vancouver in opposition to Donald Trump’s assertions that the LGBT community supports his plans regarding Muslims entering the U.S., reported CBC News

Dozens of people from Vancouver’s LGBT and Muslim communities held hands in front the city’s Trump International Hotel & Tower to protest comments made by the U.S. presidential hopeful that he has the support of LGBT people on his plan for a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.”

It wasn’t a big crowd protesting at Trump tower in Vancouver but is was a diverse one saying, “we won’t be divided.”

“He says he has queer support to ban Muslims,” said Imtiaz Popat, an organizer of the protest on Sunday. “As a queer Muslim you know we are both facing Islamophobia and homophobia and we want to come together to say this is not acceptable.”

“We don’t support him. So we are here to send a message that we will not be divided and united we stand against xenophobia.”

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“What he says affects here in Canada, because people are listening and it does affect us,” said Popat on Sunday.