Indian Businesses Lose Over $54 Billion From Data Loss


MUMBAI – EMC Corporation announced the findings of a new global data protection study that reveals, data loss and downtime cost India enterprises $54 billion in the last twelve months. Global data loss is up by 400 percent since 2012 while, surprisingly, 70 percent of India organizations are still not fully confident in their ability to recover after a disruption.

EMC Global Data Protection Index, conducted by Vanson Bourne, surveyed 3,300 IT decision makers from mid-size to enterprise-class businesses across 24 countries, including 125 respondents from India.

Impact of Data Loss and Downtime

The good news is that the number of data loss incidents is decreasing overall.  However, the volume of data lost during an incident is growing exponentially.

In India:

70 percent of enterprises surveyed experienced data loss or downtime in the last 12 months

The average business experienced more than 2.5 working days (23 hours) of unexpected downtime in the last 12 months

Other commercial consequences of disruptions were loss of employee productivity (58 percent), and loss of revenue (50 percent).

New Wave of Data Protection Challenges

Business trends, such as big data, mobile and hybrid cloud create new challenges for data protection in India:

43 percent of businesses lack a disaster recovery plan for any of these environments and just 9 percent have a plan for all three

In fact, 64 perent rated big data, mobile and hybrid cloud as ‘difficult’ to protect

With 39 percent of all primary data located in some form of cloud storage, this could result in substantial loss