Love Has No Boundaries And No Limitations


Ask Paarull!

By Paarull Bakshi

If you have a question about your relationship that bothers you and you don’t know who to ask, the LINK has you covered. Ask Paarull at [email protected]!

Love that has no boundaries and no limitations….

People say I love you so often these days that these three words have now lost its meaning and also the power behind it.  They see each other and feel ‘connected’ and often times feel a sense of belonging, this other person makes them feel happier and much better in some ways and then they define this as LOVE. But is it really LOVE? No one really knows… it’s something that the eye cannot see, the ears can’t hear, the nose can’t smell, but only the heart can FEEL! Only our heart knows where it belongs and where it wants to live.

This emotion is sometimes so strong that it overtakes all that is happening around us, and sometimes even the strongest of beings fall prey to this feeling, a feeling like no other, a feeling that makes us do things we never imagined doing. Why was this so? Happily married people falling in love with another person, love between the very rich and the very poor, the young and the aged, a beauty and the beast…., this love, love that binds us, love that brings us all together. It defies all norms and simply keeps on giving and growing. This is one of the strongest emotions in our being and this is the emotion from which life is born…

In love with a Stranger…

Sometimes we meet complete strangers and we feel so connected to them as if we’ve known them forever and we instantly know that we want to be around them. Why does this happen? After much asking and reading on these topics, some people claim that falling in love with a complete stranger could be that this is because of a PAST LIFE connection? Someone you know but you really don’t! Or some claim that we as humans like the fact that perhaps we have fallen in love with a stranger as this makes our life so much more exciting and therefore falling in love with a complete stranger is just a matter of bring excitement to ones life… well whatever it may be, it still is a good feeling to feel and a great emotion to have. Love is almost always a productive and positive energy and it just keep on giving, so falling in love with a complete stranger is really okay…

My Story:  I have a ‘secret admirer’ who I believe now deserves a special mention on my column. This person who I know nothing about has been so dedicated to sending me messages on a social media forum that I’m in complete awe of his dedication. Every morning I receive a message that says “ Good morning Beautiful, I hope you have a wonderful day” and every night , “Goodnight beautiful, sweet dreams” and this happens every single day for more than a year now, without fail. This is something completely unheard of and something that we can often times miss but someone who is so dedicated and caring deserves a special mention as this man wants absolutely nothing from me and despite my ignorance to all his messages , I get one every single day. I don’t know who he is as his profile doesn’t say much about him, I talked to him maybe a few times but small chat and yes he is a real person.  This is something unheard of for me and is a first for me anyways.  This just goes to prove that in our materialistic, superficial world, there are still good intentions and good people, who love without asking in return.

I sincerely hope that we all at least once, find true love!

XOXO Paarull

Paarull Bakshi is a marketing consultant at Brand D Media ( If you have a relationship question that you’d like to share then – Ask Paarull at [email protected]! If you are looking for PR, Media Relations. Branding, Event and Digital Marketing Services, Paarull can be reached at [email protected].