11:11 Is The Right Time To Make A Wish


By Ashima Gautam

I’m often asked the question, “What does 11:11 mean? I always notice this number repeatedly.” Well, there is really no right or wrong answer when it comes to the question of “What does it mean”? But I tried to explain it here. I hope you like it.

Why are you always made to see your clock when it’s 11:11 in the clock? Why do you always notice $11.11 in your bills? Why does 1111 always pops up on the license plates while driving? Sometimes you are going for a meeting and you find the room number is 111 or 1111. Also some people are followed by number sequences 555, 444, 777, 2323,143,1010. They feel like they are being chased by these numbers everywhere they go! I know all those spiritually awakened souls are having a feeling of– Yes, yes this happens with me. Okay, so let’s go ahead on this topic. Actually,the meaning of 11:11 changes and unfolds as you step on the ladder of early spiritual awakening to deepening enlightenment, but in the early stages it’s an invitation to witness your eyes to the miracles all around that were already there that you weren’t noticing; an invitation to rediscover the infinite power and wisdom within you that is waiting to be tapped for many years.Also, it is considered to be WAKE UP TAP. At first,11:11 is a general invitation to move toward the inner joy and life fulfillment that’s possible for you. Well, we are all souls performing different roles as directed by Him. Numerology considers 11 as the Master number which represents intuition, creativity, genius, refinement and fulfillment. Perhaps 11:11 is working to awaken you to expressing these qualities in your own life. Also, some people believe that it’s a form of communication of Angels and Spirit Guides. When your awareness increases, your eyes start capturing this number to remind you your spiritual purpose in this life and unlock the secrets stored in your subconscious mind.

” Your soul knows all the secrets, ask calmly.”


Hey it’s 11:11. Time to make a wish!!! First of all, pay attention to your thoughts and feelings you get at that moment. Also, be conscious of your surroundings. You may receive a message by the song playing on radio, a news on tv or newspaper. Also, watch your thoughts because guidance may be hidden in your own thoughts. You may also get a new idea or solution to the problem you were looking for. Be watchful of everything at that moment because it’s a 11:11 moment!!! 11:11 is a reminder that your thoughts are manifesting. When you see this number focus on what you want! Have faith because universe is going to make that wish come true soon.

The answers you are seeking for years are within you. The power is within YOU. I request you not to ask questions from outside sources as your subconscious mind is able to reveal everything. The power is not in signs,symbols or numbers; it’s all about how you feel or how you interpret the feeling you get when you see any signs. You may have your own experiences with these numbers or signs. So be yourself and try to bring out your own elucidation.


Ashima Gautam is a Usui Reiki Master-Teacher. She is also practicing Karmic Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Angel Reiki, Money & Abundance Reiki, Aura Brushing, Dowsing, Cord Cutting, Chakra Healing and Crystal Healing. Ashima has been practicing Reiki since 2007. Ashima lives in Vancouver, British Columbia with her family and she loves reading, writing, art & crafts, singing, cooking and studying. Reach Ashima at [email protected]