22-Year-Old Dead, Three Family Members Fall Ill After Eating ‘Contaminated’ Food


LUDHIANA – A 22-year-old woman died while three family members fell ill after consuming ‘spurious’ home-cooked food in Labour Colony of Shimlapuri on Monday evening.

They were rushed to Christian Medical College and Hospital (CMCH), where their condition is said to be stable. Father of the victim is safe as he did not eat the food. Shimlapuri police have initiated investigation and are suspecting foul play.

The deceased has been identified as Anny Singh.

ASI Jagjit Singh, who is investigating the matter, said Anny Singh was student of MCom. According to her father Jasbir Singh, his children came home in the evening after playing Holi with their friends after which food was cooked at home.

Jasbir Singh told the police his wife Prabhjit Kaur (50), two sons — Amrinderjit Singh (24) and Damanjit Singh (17) — and daughter Anny feel ill after having the food. “They started vomiting and became unconscious. I raised an alarm following which relatives and neighbours turned up and we rushed them to the hospital,” Jasbir said.

Anny died at the hospital.

ASI Jagjit Singh said Jasbir claimed that he did not consume the food as he wanted to bathe first. Police suspects that the food could have been be contaminated by a lizard, rodent or some other animal or insect.

The police have taken samples of the food and have sent it to a forensic laboratory for investigation.