UNDERSTANDING KARMA: This Law Of Karma Is Very Simple – We Reap What We Sow



By Dr. Dr. J. Das, M. D. Retired


Life is full of conditions, events and life situations that are hard to

understand. Sages, philosophers and scientists have tried to find answers

with varying results, and the answers found by one are not usually the same

as those found by the others. Thus, there are often different streams of

thought regarding the same subject such as what is the mind or the soul?

Who or what is God? Why is there suffering when God is supposed to be

loving and caring? Why is there sin and virtue, or other pairs of

opposites? These are some of the questions many people ask. Is there any

reasonable answer to them?


Scientists dealing with matter and energy can produce consistent results

when they use the same materials, under the same conditions, but they

cannot produce the same results when they deal with the mind, soul, God and

all the different occurrences and inequalities in life. Study of these

subjects fall in the realm of psychology, philosophy, religion and

spirituality. These disciplines also do not provide good answers until they

delve into the law of cause and effect or the law of karma. This law states

simply that we reap what we sow. Since all people do not sow the same

things in thoughts, words and deeds, they will not reap the same results.

It has to be understood that the law of karma transcends birth and death,

and goes along with the eternal soul in an astral form as *samskars* or

latent impressions that will manifest during each lifetime. It is because

of these *samskars* that we see all the variations in every aspect of

peoples’ lives from conception to death.


Keeping the above in mind, if we wish good things to happen, we have to do

good things. We cannot have anger, hate, greed, violence, egoism, lust,

jealousy and evil intentions and expect good results. Yet all people expect

good things to happen to them, even when they display all the bad and

negative behaviour. It simply will not happen. So the violence occurring in

the world simply feeds itself in a self-perpetuating manner, as does all

negative activities. Good and positive activities will also perpetuate

themselves. Bad things in the world will cease only when they are replaced

with good, and sufficient time is allowed for the negative karmas to work

themselves out in peoples’ lives. This may take several lifetimes, but the

start has to be made, otherwise there will be no progress in the positive

direction. The good must be in thoughts, words and deed. It all boils down

to the fact that good will not produce bad, and bad will not produce good.


Considering the above, how do we decide what is good and what is bad?

Different people can have different interpretations of good and bad. We

give “value”, whether negative of positive, to everything in life. Whatever

brings happiness, comfort, self-esteem, respect, enjoyment and good health

we say is good. Whatever brings suffering, stress, depression, anxiety and

illness we say is bad. We mold our behaviour according to the “value” we

give to things, and according to our behaviour, we reap the fitting

results, good or bad.


How do we change our behaviour? First, we need to assess our actions in

thoughts, words and deeds and decide if they are good or bad, and make the

changes. This will require diligence and perseverance. Second, we need to

seek the company of those who can guide us in the “good” direction. Third,

we need to get in touch with the “source” of our being. That source is

indescribably good, and has given the gift of life. That source is with us.


Dr. Jagessar Das is a Surrey-based spiritualist and head of the Kabir Association of Canada. He can bee reached at www.kabir.ca