Another Searing Portrait Of US Racial Strife!


Mudbound (PG) ****

By Alan Samuel

Stand up and get noticed . Upstart Netflix continues to grow and inspire with its sassy Mudbound. Worthy of a theatrical  release this family drama is heartfelt and riveting from start to finish . Share this epic drama by signing up for Netflix by contacting your local Shaw, Rogers , Telus or Bell cable or on line carrier.

Learn a lot about history by watching Mudbound. Elements of fear and racism collide and are smartly woven together that they come full circle. Odd woman odd Carey Mulligan again shows why she is one of the most accomplished young actresses of her generation. She is married on screen to a good old boy from the South in the late 1930s. Together the two farm the land. Bear in mind that this was the time when black people were not exactly treated nicely.

On the homesteaders’ land a black family busies itself as farm labourers. Conflicts occur as the Alabama where all reside is rife with hatred. When the war gets in the way of  normal  activities a page is turned nationally. Still hard feelings remain as both families head on a collision course as nasty racial elements forge a divide among them

Brilliantly conceived and wonderfully acted Mudbound paints a stirring portrait of injustice and the danger of mob mentality. Even among these trying times it’s good to see men and women of good will stand up for good and who are ready and willing to take stands most of the public would find discomfort with. Sweeping in scope Mudbound is a wonderful drama of pain and perseverance, poignancy and passion.