Repeat Offender Fassbender Caught Campaigning With Tax Dollars For The Second Time In A Week, Charges NDP!
“I own this, I should never have done it. It’s a mistake and it will never happen again, I can assure you. I know the difference.” – Peter Fassbender. That was six days ago but he was right back handing out taxpayer cash again in an effort to “buy” votes, this time picking a Hindu mandir to hand out more cheques with other BC Liberal MLAs and candidates in attendance whom he acknowledged as future MLAs. This is shameful even for these shameless BC Liberals who have been accused selling out to the highest bidder in the fundraising mess.
By R. Paul Dhillon
SURREY – Are the BC Liberals trying to buy votes in closely contested Surrey ridings by handing out cheques to Indo-Canadian community groups like the Indo-Canadian community dominated Surrey-Newton Rotary Club and Surrey Hindu Mandir (what none to any Gurdwaras) with repeat. offender BC Liberal Minister Peter Fassbender doing the deed with taxpayers’ cash
The BC Liberals have also lined up an event next Friday with a Sikh Heritage Group in Surrey where they are expected to hand out more cash but with growing criticism of the government’s brazen attempts to buy votes in Surrey where Fassbender only won by 200 votes and is likely to go down this time to NDP’s Jagrup Brar, the party may not be so brazen or use to occasion to solicit support for their candidates.
Less than one week after Fassbender was forced to apologize for using tax dollars to benefit the BC Liberal re-election campaign, video surfaced of Fassbender, Amrik Virk and Marvin Hunt delivering another government cheque – this time joined by BC Liberal candidates Brenda Locke, Puneet Sandhar, and Sargy Chima, NDP said in a press release.
“British Columbians are questioning whether Christy Clark’s Liberals are serious when they promise to finally start doing the right thing for people. Last week, Peter Fassbender apologized for using people’s hard-earned tax dollars to benefit his re-election campaign, promising this kind of thing would never happen again. Six days later, British Columbians have their answer: Christy Clark does the right thing for herself and her rich donors, and British Columbians are paying the price,” said Mike Farnworth NDP Candidate in Port Coquitlam.
The video, uploaded to Facebook under the title “Presentation by the BC Liberals at Mandir,” shows another attempt to use tax dollars to help elect BC Liberal candidates.
The three candidates joined Fassbender, Virk and Hunt at the front of the room for the start of the event, where they were acknowledged by the MC before being asked to take their seats again.
During his remarks, Fassbender was sure to acknowledge the candidates in attendance: “I want to say on behalf of Premier Clark, my colleagues, the existing MLAs from here in Surrey and our future MLAs, how much we appreciate the hard work that you do…”
A short time later, the candidates returned to the front of the room for a photo op with the government MLAs, the cheque still visible in the hands of one of the organization’s board members.
The mainstream media has ramped up criticism of the BC Liberals of this brazen electioneering using taxpayers’ cash with Fassbender singled out for this kind of abuse.
“Does this man (Fassbender) have no shame? He just apologized for his own taxpayer-financed campaigning and now here he is giving shout-outs to other Liberal candidates while throwing around even more of the public’s loot,” wrote Province newspaper columnist Michael Smythe in his column this week.
“Get set for more of these shenanigans. With so many close fights — Fassbender won by just 200 votes last time — the Liberals are ready to do anything to get an edge.”