BC’s Premier David Eby Delivers Heartwarming Christmas Gifts to Seniors at PICS Assisted Living


To celebrate the Christmas season, the premier of British Columbia, David Eby marked a visit to the
PICS Assisted living facility located in Surrey. According to Progressive Intercultural Community
Services (PICS) Society, “Over 100 residents of the facility took an active part in the performances,
speeches and other interactive activities.”
The event was also graced by Adrian Dix (Minister of Health), Rachna Singh (Minister of Education
and Child Care), Harry Bains (Minister of Labour),Garry Begg (MLA Surrey-Guildford), Bruce
Ralston (Minister of Forests).
A special induction ceremony was organised for all the dignitaries and they were offered PICS
jackets and were welcomed into the PICS Family.
Eby during his remarks said, “The health authority is funding a new electric bus for the seniors of
PICS assisted living. It is a no pollution transport, which is a great news and also effective
transportation to get around the community”.
Adding to this the Health Minister shared “I have been supporting PICS from decades and going
forward the long-term care for seniors will be one more step that allows a continuous care to the
seniors as their needs at 70 is not the same as their needs at 80 or 90”. He referred this to the
upcoming Guru Nanak Diversity Village initiative by the PICS Society.
PICS President and CEO, Satbir Cheema welcomed and thanked Premier Eby for attending the
Christmas celebrations at the PICS Seniors Housing facility. He said, “Your visit here is in fact a
perfect ‘Christmas Gift’ for our seniors. You were always a good ‘Friend of PICS’ but by joining us for
the Christmas celebrations of our seniors, you have now become part of the PICS family.”
He also informed that Premier Eby will also be the Chief Guest at the “Friends of PICS” gala and
fundraiser on April 12th, 2024.