Big Donation To Langley Hospital!


Manjit Gill, a board member of the Langley Memorial Hospital Foundation, and her husband Darcy Gill, donated $1 million to hospital ER campaign. Manjit Gill’s connection to the hospital goes back to 1971 when she arrived from India as a newly-wed bride but had to endure two weeks in the Hospital’s isolation ward because the medical staff thought she might be carrying a rare disease but she looks back at it as a funny moment now even though she was traumatic following the 1971 episode which turned out to be just stomach flu. It was because of that connection, and a strong sense that success should be shared, that she and her husband Darcy pledged $1 million to the campaign to build a new ER. “Langley hospital had done a lot for my family. My three grandkids and my son and a daughter were all born here,” Gill told the Langley Advance Times. For her husband Darcy Gill’s family, that connection goes back several generations. He and his nine siblings, including his well known sister Vicki Shernjeet Gill, were all born at LMH. Donating to the hospital that has been such a big part of their family is all about giving back to the community, Gill said. “I’m a firm believer in that. If you are fortunate enough, you should share with each other. We should do whatever we can to help people who need help.” Manjit and Darcy have an long record of supporting the hospital and other charitable causes.