Conservative Majority Gets Failing Grade On Anniversary, Say Liberals


“In the last 365 days, Canadians have heard nothing but secrets and lies from this ethically-challenged majority Conservative government,” said Mr. Rae. “Today, the Conservative Party will be the only ones celebrating, as Canadians realize that in the first year of his majority government, Stephen Harper has failed them in the areas of economic management, caring for Canadians, accountability, transparency, integrity, ethics and in their responsibilities to First Nations.”

OTTAWA– One year since the last election, Stephen Harper’s majority government gets a failing grade, said Liberal Leader Bob Rae today.

“In the last 365 days, Canadians have heard nothing but secrets and lies from this ethically-challenged majority Conservative government,” said Mr. Rae. “Today, the Conservative Party will be the only ones celebrating, as Canadians realize that in the first year of his majority government, Stephen Harper has failed them in the areas of economic management, caring for Canadians, accountability, transparency, integrity, ethics and in their responsibilities to First Nations.”

In one year, the Conservative government that first came to power on a platform of accountability has proven itself to be the least transparent, least accountable and most dishonest government in Canadian history.

Their litany of abuses – from being found guilty and forced to return $282,000 in illegal rebates from their in-and-out scandal, to being at the centre of yet another Elections Canada investigation for election fraud, to robbing our most vulnerable seniors of tens of thousands of dollars after promising to protect Old Age Security, to their misleading of Canadians on the true cost of the F-35s, to Peter MacKay’s personal use of a life-saving Search and Rescue helicopter to pick him up from a fishing camp to Christian Paradis’ three separate investigations by the Ethics Commissioner, to Bev Oda’s taste for luxury hotels and $16 orange juice- betrays the incompetence and deceitful nature of the Prime Minister himself.

Rae also highlighted the Liberal Party of Canada’s accomplishments over the last year, and joined Liberal Party President Mike Crawley in launching the new Liberal Supporter category, giving every Canadian the chance to register their support for the Liberal Party and choose its next leader.  In so doing, the Liberal Party has become the most open and transparent party in Canadian political history.

“The fruits of our labour are evident in our increased membership and fundraising numbers, but this is just the beginning,” concluded Mr. Rae. “Today, the next phase of our rebuilding begins as we launch the new Liberal Supporter category, opening up our party to a new generation of Liberals who will help us modernize and grow.”