The City of Richmondhas awarded long-time formerMayor and Councillor GregHalsey-Brandt with Freedomof the City, the highest honoura local government can bestowon an individual. Halsey-Brandt served for 12 years as aRichmond Councillor (originallytitled as Alderman) and 11 yearsas Mayor. He also served oneterm as MLA for RichmondCentre. He represented the cityon numerous local and regionalboards and was an activecommunity volunteer. “I verymuch appreciate the honour thatthe City has bestowed upon me,”said Greg Halsey-Brandt uponreceiving the award. “Thankyou to City Council for thisrecognition and to all the citizensof Richmond for the privilegeof serving them in electedcapacities for 23 years. The Cityhas evolved from the Townshipof Richmond of 96,000 peopleat the time I was first elected in1981 to a City of over 200,000people. It has been a trulyrewarding experience to be partof the evolution of Richmondinto the vibrant, multicultural,environmentally responsible andinclusive City of today.”