Group Of Eight Degenerates Into Gang Of Seven


By Dr. Swaraj

The group of eight have just decided to oust Russia from the group.  This is the height of Western arrogance, double standards, hypocrisy, and opportunism.  What is left of the G8 can now be called a gang of seven.  Moreover, the G8 has already lost its’ relevance and importance.  This group is quickly losing its’ influence in the world.  The BRICS has stood up for Russia.  If we compare the shares of the G8 and the BRICS as far as GDP and world trade, are concerned, then one thing becomes clear that the share of the G8 is declining and the share of the BRICS is increasing.  Moreover, for all practical purposes, the G20 has replaced the G8.

The Western countries punished Russia for its’ actions in Crimea and Ukraine.  However, when we compare their own actions in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Egypt then the Russian actions in Crimea and Ukraine appear to be very moderate and restrained.  Just compare the situation of Crimea to Kosovo.  Yugoslavia was attacked with very massive air strikes to punish the Serbs.  Its’ infrastructure was almost completely destroyed, bridges and highways were knocked out and its’ economy was crippled.  In Kosovo there was so much more bloodshed.  Massive graves continued to be unearthed years after the conflict.  Compared to this the Russian army practically inflicted no damage, there was hardly any damage to the infrastructure or  human loss.

The Western countries are accusing Russia of violating sovereignty.  However if we look at their own record then this painful truth becomes clear that they have never shown any respect for the national borders or sovereignty of the other countries.  If we look at the history of the last two centuries then it becomes obvious that the Western countries enslaved, looted, and exploited other countries.  Just look at what happened in the last two decades.  They invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia, Somalia, and Libya.  Indirectly they also invaded Syria and Egypt.  They have also sponsored fanatics, fundamentalists, fascists, and terrorists wherever it suited them.

The Western countries continue to plunder and exploit resources of the third world countries.  Their economies have now mostly degenerated into parasitic economies.  They are producing very little and consuming much more than what they produce.  The prosperity of the Western countries mostly depends upon looting and exploiting resources of the third world countries.  The Western countries are also practicing uneven exchange in the world trade, further squeezing the poor and developing countries.  As a result of the loot and exploitation, the Western capitalists and their allies in the third world countries are becoming super rich while the vast majority of people in these countries are being pushed into extreme poverty and deprivation.  Out of their loot the Western capitalists give some crumbs to their own people and provide them some comforts and conveniences to their people, they are depriving the vast majority of the people in the third world countries from the most basic necessities of life.  Therefore the small islands of prosperity are surrounded by vast oceans of poverty and deprivation.

The Western countries need cheap human labor.  Therefore they are preventing the third world countries from controlling their populations.  They follow the principle of supply and demand,  with more supply price comes down.  The third world countries are doubly hit by the Western countries.  On one hand,  they squeeze their resources, on the other hand,  they are increasing their populations which leads to more competition and scarcity of resources.  They are pushing the third world countries to chaos and anarchy. For maintaining their quality of life, they are making life for the vast majority of people in the third world countries to a barely livable state.

The things have started to change.  Countries such as Russia, China, and India are beginning to realize that the Western dominated world order needs to be changed.  The Western countries are starting to taste defeats and are losing control.  Syria, Iran, North Korea, and Ukraine are a few examples where the Western countries are finding it hard to have their way.  India, China, and BRICS countries have stood up for Russia.  India has just voted against the Western countries in the United Nations on the issue of human rights violation by Sri Lanka.  India used to vote with them.  However, this time India decided to abstain.

India’s stance on Ukraine and Sri Lanka clearly show the changing pattern.  India is moving away from the west and towards the east. Add these to the Deviyani affair and India’s direction becomes even more clear.  India is finally realizing the east is rising and the west is declining.  India has refused to join the Western countries in punishing Russia.  The Western countries are not punishing Russia by expelling it from the G8, they are hastening their own decline.  From the group of eight they have become a gang of seven.