Healthy Elements Of Eastern And Western Philosophies Should Be Fused Together


By Dr. Sawraj Singh

My first book published in America was “Crisis in Civilization a Sikh Perspective”. In this book I tried to bring out the concept that the modern western civilization does not qualify to be called a civilization because in this civilization instead of human development there was human degeneration. All other civilizations before this civilization led to some human progress.  In this so called civilization there was only technological and economic development without any real human progress. How can we measure human development? We have both lower and higher centers in us. When we move from the lower centers toward the higher centers then it can be called human development or human progress. If we move from the higher centers toward the lower centers then it is human degeneration.                                                                                           In the last two centuries, under the western capitalism, we have taken big strides toward our lower centers. The lower centers are concerned with our basic survival. For this purpose they make us selfish, narrowly attached, greedy, gluttonous, lustful, vengeful, arrogant and extravagant. The higher centers are connected with our intellectual and spiritual growth. They promote higher values such as moderation, austerity, dedication, sacrifice, forgiveness, humility and love. It does not take a genius to figure out that in the last two centuries we have moved toward the lower centers. I was born and raised in India and lived in America for more than forty years. I am yet to meet a person who feels that we have become better human beings. One good measure of the state of human development is the plight of human relations. Almost everybody agrees that the human bonds and relations have become weak. The warmth of human relations has been replaced by the cold calculations. It is not love which now binds us together; it is our narrow self interest.                                                                                                                                             The western capitalists have wrongly claimed the nineteenth century as the age of enlightenment. However, instead of making people better persons, it has made people more selfish, greedy, impatient, intolerant and arrogant. Such an age should be called age of darkness. We often call the medieval ages Dark ages in Europe. However, degeneration and dehumanization under capitalism is much worse than in those ages. Even pope, the head of one of the largest religious groups in the world, has expressed grave concern at the degeneration of human values by the consumerist culture of capitalism.                                                                                                                                    I feel the only thing healthy which came out of the west in the last two centuries of capitalism is Marxism because it is concerned for the dehumanization brought by the western capitalism. Marxism has three components; economics, philosophy and socialism. Each of the three major countries in Europe contributed these components. Economics came from England, philosophy came from Germany and socialism came from France.  I feel that Germany became the center of philosophy in Europe because it was the first to be influenced by the eastern philosophy. Many German scholars knew Persian. Dara Shikoh, the elder brother of emperor Aurangzeb, was a great scholar. He knew both Persian and Sanskrit. He translated Vedas and Geeta in to Persian. The German scholars were able to read those. This helped to make Germany the center of philosophy in Europe. We can say that Marx’s exposure to the eastern philosophy was through the prevailing German philosophy at that time.                                                                                         I feel that Buddha took the eastern (Indian) philosophy to new heights. China adopted Buddhism. Mao’s exposure to the eastern philosophy was through the traditional Chinese philosophers as well as through teachings of Buddha. Therefore, Mao’s understanding of the eastern philosophy was higher than Marx or Lenin. Mao seems to be more influenced by eastern concepts of relativism and pluralism.                                                                                                                                     I also feel that Guru Nanak took the eastern philosophy to the climax. Guru Nanak rose above the limitations of caste, creed, religions, countries or regions and gave a truly universal message based upon universal concern and universal welfare.  I feel that the means of transportation and communication have converted the world physically to a global entity. However, the current globalization lacks a true global perspective as well as an ethical aspect. Sri Guru Granth Sahib can impart both of these to the present globalization.                                                                                                                                           We need fusion of  healthy elements of the east and the west. Marxism should be Indianized. Healthy elements of Marxism and Sikhism should be fused. In Latin America, a new philosophy of Liberation Theology evolved by the fusion of Marxism and Christianity. At present, there is a wide anti globalization sentiment in the world. The present globalization needs to be changed. Guru Nanak’s concept of a global community can provide the present globalization the missing elements it needs to become acceptable such as universal concern and universal welfare (Sarbat da Bhala). Fusion of the healthy elements of the east and the west can help us to come out of the crisis.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected].