Here’s How You Can Fight Against All Health Demons


You may have heard the age-old saying – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But now, even the research has proven that if you notch up your apple consumption up to three a day, one before every meal (that is breakfast, lunch and dinner), it may also help you keep the flab at bay if not shed some extra kilos.

Washington Apples, available throughout the year, also a high source of fibre and pectin, can be of immense use if you are looking to following a diet-plan based on including this fruit in your daily health regimen.

Although these recommendations have been around for a while, dieticians over the world have found further proof that if we consume the fibre-rich fruit before we get down to eating our meals, it can make us feel more sated, fuller and healthier at the end of the day.

In addition to eating three Washington Apples a day, dieters are advised to include six servings of other fruits and vegetables. This will allow you to reduce your intake of calories without experiencing pangs of hunger.

Combine all that with a low- carbohydrate diet and some amount of cardiovascular and resistance training exercises every day, and you would be surprised by the end results. Not only are apples a great gut cleanser, thereby reducing chances of colon and stomach-related issues, but given that they are rich in soluble fibre, their consumption also makes people eat fewer calories along with storing less fat.

*Apples contain soluble fiber, which can help reduce cholesterol levels.

*They also contain flavonoids that help prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

*Eating an apple at the beginning of each meal will promote the feeling of fullness and reduce the tendency of overeating.