By Promod Puri


For most of us the tag of religion we belong to is given by our parents. And the specific rituals, customs and traditions we follow identify us belonging to a particular religion or faith.

“HINDUISM beyond ritual, customs and traditions” by Promod Puri is an attempt to traverse further and explore its richness in the areas of spiritual and philosophical thoughts, and to recognize the religion’s rational, liberal, secular and diverse fundamentals.

Hinduism is not merely a religion or as the cliche goes: a way of life. It is a multi-disciplinary academy as well.

From rituals to murti-puja, mantra and metaphysics, karma and moksha, to meditation and yoga, and all its recreational aspects like music, dance and drama, Hinduism is a disciplinary as well as a comprehensive experience of spiritual development in liberal and progressive regime.

To read more quotes from HINDUISM: beyond rituals, customs and traditions visit: https://hinduismbypromodpuriblog.wordpress.com

Hinduism is now available in Canada thru Amazon.ca. It is also being sold in India thru Amazon.in. The book is also now available for reading from Kindle. In India it can be bought from Amazon India. http://www.amazon.ca/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_12?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=hinduism+by+promod+puri&sprefix=Hinduism+by+%2Caps%2C254