Hugo Chavez Revived Socialism In South America And Reserves A Place In History


By Dr. Sawraj Singh

When Russia and eastern Europe abandoned Socialism and China radically changed the meaning of socialism, it was Hugo Chavez who brought back respect and credibility to the word socialism. By doing this, Chavez joined Fidel Castro and Che Guevara to become the three most well known leaders of Latin America in the modern era. Now, both Russia and China have recognized Chavez as a great leader who took relations of his country with Russia and China to new heights.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the western capitalists declared the demise of Marxism and socialism and claimed that western capitalism was invincible. However, when challenge to western capitalism subsided in Asia and Europe, the leading regions of the world, Latin America rose to the occasion Hugo Chavez revived spirit of socialism and kept it alive. He also radically changed the east-west equation of power. By throwing weight of Latin America on the side of east, he helped to tilt the balance of power to the east.

Hugo Chavez challenged western capitalism in its backyard. If collapse of the Soviet Union can be considered the biggest set back for socialism, rise of Hugo Chavez can be considered the biggest set back for western capitalism. It showed that western capitalism is not invincible and is actually in a state of decline. Chavez proved that western capitalism can be challenged in its own backyard.

Chavez also showed the difference from the oil rich empires of the middle east. Whereas, Chavez used the oil money for uplifting the poor, the oil money in the middle east has brought the most decadent, pro western and slavish governments in power. Chavez proved that national wealth can be used for the uplift of the down trodden instead of supporting the most decadent life styles of elite. Chavez went against prevailing trend of globalization which has widened gap between the rich and the poor and helped to concentrate wealth in the pro western elite.

Hugo Chavez can be evaluated by western capitalist criteria and can be called a failure. However, if we use different criteria such as improving health and education of the masses then he will emerge as a great hero.

I am sure, history is going to judge him as a great hero. A hundred years from now, very few will remember the present western and pro western leaders. However, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara and Hugo Chavez, most likely will still be considered great leaders.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected].