I’m 30 And Still A Virgin – What Should I Do Now That I Have Found A Guy?


Ask Paarull!

If you have a question about your relationship that bothers you and you don’t know who to ask, the LINK has you covered. Ask Paarull at [email protected]!

Paarull, he says that he wants to go on a break, does this mean it’s over? What should I do?

A Break simply means a break my dear and nothing more and nothing less. Us women tend to “overthink” things a lot and that’s what causes problems. Take a break and it will help things out with your relationship.

Paarull, I’ve been in a long term relationship with my boyfriend and after 3 years of being together, I’ve recently noticed some things that are just bothering me.  Every day I seem to find faults in my boyfriend but I still love him. What should I do?

Well I always say that love is all that matters in life. We all have faults and no one is perfect and it is completely normal to feel like this when you’ve been with that person for a long time. We get bored easily, we are humans:) just spend a little time apart and you will see that things will start to change about how you feel about him. Bring some excitement into the relationship to spice things up!

He lied to me about his age and I’ve just found out that he’s 10 years older than he told me he was. I’m not okay with this at all, what should I do?

Usually, I say that age is nothing but a number but in your case, he shouldn’t have lied to you.  You should really ask yourself if you like/love him enough to look over this factor. If the answer is yes then please don’t let this come in between you. Lies can sometimes hurt us but at other times they help us. If he hadn’t lied to you, you would never get to know him and you would never find out what it’s like to be with someone like him. At the end, all that matters is LOVE!

Dear Paarull – I’m 30 and I’ve never had a boyfriend or even been kissed and I’m obviously a virgin BUT I’ve recently met someone who I’m very much attracted to.  He wants to sleep with me but I’m so scared as I don’t want him to know that I’m a virgin. What should I do?

Please don’t feel bad about yourself and trust me that this is more common than you think. Girls and women nowadays wait until the time is right. Also, let me tell you something:  if you are really into this man that you are dating then sleeping with him will be a gradual process and it will be very natural so just take it easy and don’t focus on it. Men generally tend to not care about such things and us women just overthink everything. XOXOXO

If you have a relationship question that you’d like to share then – Ask Paarull at [email protected]!