Make The New School Exciting And Pleasant With Family Focus


By Balwant Sanghera

A new school year has just gotten under way. It is the time to explore ways and means of making the school experience of the students an exciting and pleasant one. Parents need to prepare their children for school even before the school gets under way. It applies equally all the way. The students, regardless of their age and grade level, need encouragement, reassurance and support. The best way to address a student’s anxiety and apprehension about school is to reassure him/her that everything is going to be fine.

Listening to children in a respectful manner is crucial to gaining their trust. Often parents hear what their children are saying but not really listening. They must provide a non-threatening and non-judgmental environment for the child to express himself/herself freely. Paying undivided attention to the speaker and asking probing questions indicates that the parent is genuinely concerned about what the child is saying or has to say. This is more so especially before the child leaves for school in the morning or returns home from school in the afternoon.

Often parents have a tendency to ask closed end questions once the child returns from school. Parental interaction with their child especially upon his/her arrival home from school is very important. Simply asking the question as to how her /his school day was, will bring in one or two word response. That will be the end of the interaction about the child’s day at school. Rather than that, parents need to ask open-ended questions that will engage the child. Rather than asking the child as to how did his/ her day at school go, ask questions along these lines:  What cool things did you discover at school to-day? What kind of activities did you do in science/socials to day? In other words, frame your questions around curiosity depending upon child’s interests.

Start of new school year is good time to break bad habits and help the child develop good study habits and a positive attitude towards learning. In this regard communication both with the child and his/her teachers and school administrators is very important. Rather than waiting for the first report card from school, parents should establish a regular communication strategy with the school. This should prevent any unpleasant surprises at report card time.

Packing a nutritious lunch and snacks is also very important. Make sure your child has a healthy lunch. Avoid junk foods. Some schools have already eliminated junk foods from their premises. Children should be encouraged to eat as many   fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.

Often parents underestimate their influence on their children. As a matter of fact, parents have a huge impact on their child’s thinking, behavior, growth and development. What parents say and do does matter a great deal to their children. Thus the parents can do a lot of things to help their children succeed in school. These include: having high expectations, open discussion about school and reading to/with the child. Furthermore, parents need to take keen interest in their child’s school, sports, friends and other activities.

Finally, the parents should make sure that their child has a quiet space to do homework, review school work, read or do other school related tasks. Children, especially in their early years need a lot of structure. Providing them with a well structured, supportive and caring environment goes a long way in ensuring their success in school and life.

Balwant Sanghera is a retired School Psychologist and Community Activist.