Mental Health advocate Tanpreet Parmar Crowned Miss Canada 2024


Lower Mainland based Tanpreet Parmar created history this week when she was crowned Miss Canada 2024.  She became the first ever Punjabi Origin woman to win the prestigious title.

The Miss Canada pageant, held in Montreal since 1946, is renowned for its celebration of personality, diversity, and the empowerment of women. The pageant is unique in its focus on inner beauty, values, and purpose, elements that particularly resonated with Tanpreet.

“As a South Asian Sikh woman, I’m incredibly proud to represent Canada on this platform. I wanted to break the stereotype of pageantry and promote self-love, individuality, and advocacy – all qualities that Miss Canada champions,” said Tanpreet.

On her Instagram page, she posted, “Words can’t express how grateful I am to be Miss Canada 2024! This has been a dream I’ve worked really hard for, and it means the world to me. One thing I have learned in life is that perseverance is key! This was my fourth time at Miss Canada, and instead of being discouraged, I grew from each experience. It fueled me to keep going. Always remember, you can achieve anything as long as you put your heart and mind to it. What you truly believe in, can and will be yours, so never give up.”

She said that as Miss Canada, I want to inspire everyone to chase their dreams and embrace self-love. “Mental health is a cause I deeply care about. I hope my journey inspires you to persevere and never give up, no matter the obstacles you face! Remember, be gentle with yourselves, love yourselves fiercely, and cultivate a positive mindset.”

Miss Canada 2024 website describes Tanpreet as a passionate mental health advocate, focusing on promoting self-love and acceptance. “Her diverse background encompasses modeling, acting, public speaking, and hosting, alongside her career as a Human Resources professional. Tanpreet is deeply passionate about her career in Human Resources, advocating for diversity and inclusivity while supporting individuals’ professional growth and development. She finds this work incredibly humbling, as it allows her to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives.”