Non-Violence Is The Only Way To Attain Peace On Earth


By Acharya S.P.Dwivedi

Jain religion (Dharma) is an ancient Indian but it is  relevant to modern society. Actually, it is a stream of spiritual renaissance which seeks to refine and sublimate human conduct and emphasizes Ahimsa-Non-Violence ( Ahimsa sarveshu vrateshu pradhanam) as a means to achieve it through practice. Indeed, it endorses no violence in thoughts, actions and words.

However, apart from non-violence there are three major principles-1.Anekantavada, multiple view-points and autonomy of thought (Vichar sahishnutam). It focuses to remain respectful to other’s views. 2.Aprigrah -minimizing possession and simple living .3.Syaadvaad- refinement of expression (Kathnam santulam). The world is now facing many problems such as fundamentalism, terrorism, poverty, injustice and environmental degradation and these  can be resolved, to a great extent, by practicing the above principles.

Jainism propagates that  if a human being will  follow the  Samyak Charitra ( Rational behavior), Samyak Darshan,(Rational world view) and Samyak Jnana (Rational knowledge) then awareness of  peace, universal brotherhood, harmony and compassion can be easily cultivated in society. Moreover, if personal behavior can be transformed on the lines of Non-Violence, Simple Living and Mutual Respect only then we can be assured of a better world.

Jain Society of Metro Vancouver organized the “Prakash Jayanti”-as a birthday celebration of Twenty Fourth Teerthankar- Bhagvan Mahavira Swami on April 5,2015 at Laxmi Narayan Temple in Surrey. The traditional Pooja (Ritual) was performed by the Jain priest-Anand Jain and devotional songs were recited by Hitesh Jain who is the Principal of Jain School.  Under the guidance of Jagruti Khajuria and Hitesh Jain the young  students of Jain School gave impressive  talks, performed skit and dances which captivated the audience. Vijay Kumar Jain, President of Jain Society welcomed and thanked the participants and audience. Dr. Sajal Jain sponsored the lunch/langar.