Parliament Shooting Merits Unequivocal Condemnation


Dear Editor:

The shooting indecent at Parliament Hill in Ottawa is grotesque. It is an act of heinous crime against God and mankind. It merits unequivocal and unhesitating condemnation.

Any culprit who make an attempt to disturb peace and tranquility in Canada will have to face dire consequences and severe punishment so in future they never dare to  play anarchy or chaos around us.

The event remind every Canadian to be vigilant and stand in solidarity at all the time. Need to protect our soil from destructive force.

We have an obligation to Canada to demonstrate our sincerity, solidarity, strength and imagination in order to increase safety and security where people breathe fearless.

We have a role to play in making our streets , home safe because life, property and honour of the fellow Canadian as a sacrosanct and inviolable.

We hope and offer prayer that such horrifying incident never happen again for Canadian.

Hanif A. Patel

Surrey, B.C.