Phone Scam Targeted New Canadians In Run Up To Canada Day


VANCOUVER – It’s not exactly the what new Canadians want to deal with after embracing this country for want of opportunity and a better life. A new phone scam is making the rounds across the land targeting new Canadians and instilling fear that they could face deportation unless they fill out forms or ‘re-register’ with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC).

“We’ve been seeing a lot more scams coming out that use government agencies as a backdrop,” says Evan Kelly, Senior Communications Advisor for BBB serving Mainland BC. “New immigrants to Canada make perfect targets as they may not know current laws, they may not understand the language very well or the scammer preys on their fear of being sent back to their home country. Using a government agency adds a tone of legitimacy and urgency to the call. Targeting these people is sickening.”

These types of scams are on the rise. According to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre in 2013 they received just four complaints about immigration-related calls. So far in 2015 that number is closing in on 400 complaints totalling over $100,000 in losses to the victims.

The Canada Revenue Agency has been dealing with very similar problems this year from people pretending to be from the CRA and demanding payment in the form of pre-paid credit or gift cards.

“Like many other phone scams these days, the phone numbers that show up in call displays are ‘spoofed’ and look like it’s coming from Citizenship and Immigration Canada or the CRA,” adds Kelly, “They are getting more and more elaborate.”

Government agencies such as CIC and Canada Revenue Agency do not solicit personal information over the phone nor do they accept payment this way.

If you have any concerns that you have been scammed there are several avenues to report it:

• Report it to your local authorities (Municipal Police/RCMP)

• Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre Toll-free: 1-888-495-8501

• Contact the Competition Bureau of Canada Toll-free: 1-800-348-5358