Putin Is The Most Powerful Leader In The World


There seems to be a universal consensus that Putin is the most powerful leader in the world today. However, Putin is more than a political leader he has in a way re civilized the world. The western capitalists had hijacked the western civilization and turned it against its own foundation. Christianity laid the foundation of the western civilization. The western capitalists have attacked and want to finish the western Christian civilization because they see it as the biggest obstacle in spreading their consumer culture. Christianity preached austerity, moderation, selflessness, compassion, humility and forgiveness. The western capitalist consumer culture has incited exactly the opposite tendencies in the people such as selfishness, greed, extravagance, vengeance and arrogance. Under the garb of the consumer culture, they have actually pushed men toward barbarism.                                                                                                                                                                                            They are using Islam to weaken and finally finish the Christian civilization in Europe. They have deliberately distorted Islam. Islam is a religion of peace. They have tried to turn it into a fundamentalist and terrorist religion. Islam and Christianity have played different historical roles as far as creating a new civilization. Christianity united Europe in a higher cultural entity, the modern western civilization. Islam, on the other hand, spread in the different parts of the world but never evolved into a civilization of any one region. Islam tried to preach universal Islamic values without negating the national identity.                                                                                                                                                                                   The closest Islam came to evolve into a regional entity is in the Arab world. However, instead of an Arab civilization there evolved the concept of Pan Arab nationalism. Countries like Iran and Turkey even though Islamic, yet they have retained their own cultural and national identities. Another good example is Pakistan. The western colonialists tried to lump together the Punjabis of West Pakistan and Bengalis of East Pakistan. However, this unnatural concept did not work and they separated and formed two different countries, Pakistan and Bangla Desh.                                                                                                                Europe is rallying behind Putin to revive its Christian civilization. Putin has clearly stated that the western capitalists have taken Europe in exactly the opposite direction to where Christianity wanted to take it. Pope feels the same. Many European leaders agree with them .Trump represents those forces in America who want the Christian civilization revived in Europe. They feel that leaders like Obama, Hillary and the other Neo-liberal and Neo-conservative leaders in America all want to weaken the Christian civilization in Europe. No wonder, these people do not agree with Pope. Some of them have called Pope a communist.

The forces in America who identify themselves with the Christian civilization in Europe and see America as an extension of this civilization are supporting Trump. These forces want to rally behind Putin and support the revival of the Christian civilization in Europe. On the other hand, the American Exceptionalists deny the concept that America is an extension of the Christian civilization of Europe and say that America is different. In reality, they are the main stream capitalists who are advocates of the so called Global culture which in reality is the consumerist culture of capitalism.                                                                                                                                        Even today, Europe is the leading region of the world. Therefore, revival of the Christian civilization in Europe and defeat of consumer culture there will have impact on the whole world. We can say that Putin is helping to re civilize the whole world. Once the consumerist culture of capitalism is defeated in Europe, the other cultures will be revived which at present are being engulfed by the present globalization and its consumer culture. At present barbarism of capitalist so called Global culture is destroying the naturally evolved cultures and civilizations. If the capitalist consumerist Global culture is defeated in Europe then it is likely to lose all over the world. Therefore, Putin may not only re civilize Europe but he can help to re civilize the whole world. We should understand that Putin and Pope are not only trying to save the Christian civilization in Europe, they are trying to save all cultures and civilizations from being swallowed by consumerism.

Dr. Sawraj Singh, MD F.I.C.S. is the Chairman of the Washington State Network for Human Rights and Chairman of the Central Washington Coalition for Social Justice. He can be reached at [email protected].