RICHMOND – Richmond RCMP in partnership with ICBC will be hosting a 3 on 3 basketball tournament at India Cultural centre, located at 8600 No 5 Rd. Richmond BC, to be held on Sunday June 16th, 2019. This is a one day FREE tournament for high school students from grades 8 to 11.
Players will need to form their team of 3 to 5 players, deadline to enter is May 20th.Register by sending email to [email protected] / phone number 604-644-4415 ( contact for any info)
Please include following info in your email: All playersnames and phone numbers and division your team wishes to play in/ your team name. Every player gets a free tshirt and pizza – winners get medals.
Co-ed (boys and girls) teams allowed but must compete in a Boys division.
Div1 : Boys Grade 10 / 11
Div 2: Boys Grade 8/9
Girls Division: Grades 8-10
Date of tourney: Sunday June 16 : 10 am to 3 pm
Location: India cultural centre parking lot 8600 No 5 Rd Richmond BC
This tournament is based on successful annual Team izzat 3 on 3 tournament that has been running since 2004. The Team Izzat is a group of police officers and college students who volunteer on their time off to connect with youth through sports and educational programs. The team izzat 3 on 3basketball tournament has been taking place over the past 15 years.This tournament is very well established, at approximately 80-100 youth participating each year. Izzat means honour and respect in Punjabi and Hindi. Team izzat was created by S/Sgt Jet SUNNER while working with Richmond RCMP in 2004.