Registration now open for this year’s “Run Surrey Run”


Homegrown 5k/10k walk/run through Surrey City Centre set to go September 10th, 2023

Surrey: Building on its successful inaugural 5K/10K run in 2022, the second annual “Run Surrey Run” is set to go on the morning of Sunday, September 10th, taking walkers, joggers and serious runners throughout the streets and neighbourhoods of Surrey City Centre.

Registration and full details are now available at

The run starts at 9:00 A.M. in Holland Park with the main stretches of the course running north on 132 Street and south on University Drive. The basic course is a 5K loop that is run twice by 10K runners. The route straddles Old Yale Road twice in the middle and is capped at either end by 108 Avenue at the north end, and 97 Avenue in the south.

The run emphasizes fun and exercise over competition and is open to novice and experienced walkers and runners of all ages and levels of endurance. A three-day virtual version of the run, first launched in 2021 due to the pandemic, will also be held online again for a third year from September 8 to 10.

“Our vision was, and still is, to create a signature event to attract people to Surrey and promote health and fitness while supporting local communities,” says Gurjinder Bhurji, founder and race director of “Run Surrey Run”. “With the encouragement and support of our Community Partner RBC, the City of Surrey and other generous sponsors and community volunteers, we look forward to showcasing our world-class city once again and bringing together the strength of our community for the health and benefit of all.”