By Gian Singh Kotli
VANCOUVER – Jatinder Jay Minhas has arranged to build a befitting Sports Stadium in the great memory of the unique martyrs of Saragarhi battle which is known to the world as a unique saga of exemplary bravery of 21 Sikh soldiers. Jatinder Minhas is highly known as a multifarious community worker who is always engaged in one or the other service here or in his native place Adampur, Punjab.
He is always seen in good mood and high spirits to help others here or anywhere. Quite evidently credit goes to Jay Minhas for holding several Annual Free Eye Camps, setting up college and then Sant Baba Singh University Damunda, his village and the like. Quite evidently this shows that he is following the footsteps of his benevolent great father and my dear friend Lambardar S. Bhagwant Singh Minhas. “Like father like son.”
May Waheguru shower on him more blessings to continue the services which he is already rendering to the society in various fields, including the recent Memorial and multipurpose Sports Stadium in the sacred memory of internationally honored 21 Sikh martyrs of Saragarhi Battle?
The heart rendering battle of Saragarhi was fought on 12th September, 1897 in North West Frontier Province, British India, where 21 Sikh soldiers of the 36th Sikh regiment sacrificed their lives fighting against an army of about ten thousand. The extraordinary courage and bravery of these Sikh soldiers has been admired all over the world, including UNESCO (UNO).
Jay Minhas takes great pride in telling that it is a matter of great pride for me and my village that two great martyrs S. Jeevan Singh (Minhas) and S. Gurmukh Singh (Minhas) belonged to my village, Damunda.
The bravery of the Saragarhi martyrs has really glorified the name of Sikhs all over the world. It is quiet befitting tribute to them that the Saragarhi Sports Stadium will be established in Damaunda village on the Four-Lane highway from Adampur city to Adampur Civil Airport (Jalandhar). In this respect all-round support and financial support from Jay Minhas is highly commendable.
The Stadium will greatly help our youth to improve their physical and mental prowess and will definitely help them stay away from drugs and other unhealthy pursuits. It is well said, “Sound mind in a sound body.” And according to Gurbani, “To serve people is to serve God. As God lives in people.”
Gian Singh Kotli is a poet, writer and humanist based in Surrey.