Schools to have more support for early screening to help students with dyslexia


To identify and support students who may be experiencing learning difficulties, the BC government will work with school districts to implement evidence-based early literacy screening for all students in kindergarten to Grade 3. This will ensure that teachers and staff can provide timely support to students who may benefit from additional help with literacy.
“Students need to develop strong literacy skills in their first few years at school,” said Rachna Singh, Minister of Education and Child Care. “We know providing supports early to students who need it can make a big difference in their success. Our government is committed to removing barriers and providing the supports students need so they can reach their full potential.”
A total of $30 million over three years will expand the services of several provincial outreach programs and teams and support literacy-focused professional development and training for teachers and support staff.
The new professional development and training will help K-12 teachers and support staff build the knowledge, tools, and evidence-based strategies needed to support the diverse literacy needs of all students, including those beyond Grade 3. This includes workshops and resources for supporting students with learning disabilities. Provincial grants to school districts to access training for teachers and support staff will be available, as well as information for parents and caregivers on evidence-based approaches that help children develop literacy skills.