Surrey Muslims To Celebrate Eid-ul-Adha On Friday July 31


By Hanif a. Patel

To shun something precious in your life for the cause of the Almighty is something very infrequently seen in contemporary world.

This is the very reason why billions of Muslims throughout the world memorialize Eid-ul-Adha, in remembrance to Prophet Ebrahim (A.S.) who was prepared to sacrifice his son Ismail (A.S.) for the love of Creator, only by the single command. Muslims throughout the world commemorate and celebrate this day as sacred, with the hope that if or whenever the time will come when we have to sacrifice something valuable for the mere sake of Almighty, we will be pre-determined without any doubt in mind, knowing that nothing could be more precious than to accumulate the Almighty’s affection, proximity and sanctification.

Like the Holy Quar’an guides “None of you will attain piety, until he spends from that which he loves.” We must be ready to submit unconsciously to sacrifice our own life and wealth for the pleasure of Supreme Creator, for truth and justice over the world, as stated in the Holy Quar’an “it’s not the flesh or the meat that reaches Almighty, but your readiness and absolute commitment to submit to the will of Almighty.

Surrey Muslim community has announced to celebrate Eid-ul-Adha on Friday, July. 31 and reiterated that the community should act in a responsible manner. Take all precautionary measures to protect yourself and your family is a religious and national commitment.

Muslims have to prepare for a very different celebration of Eid-ul-Adha this year with Covid-19 precautionary measures and movement restrictions. Limited pilgrimage will attend Hajj ceremony and ritual performance will be totally different than normal. May Almighty accept every Muslims prayers and scarifications. (Amin )

We wish everyone a very happy and joyous End-ul-Adha Celebration!

Eid Mubarak to all!

Hanif A. Patel is a Surrey-based writer.