94% of Surrey Police Union Members Declare “No Intention” of Joining RCMP A release issued by Surrey Police Union has mentioned that an overwhelming number of Surrey Police Union (“SPU”) member officers have signed a pledge to declare that they have no intention to join RCMP.
“Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke’s hope for “many of the Surrey Police Service officers to work for the RCMP” has been dashed by the release of this pledge,” said SPU President Rick Stewart.
In a November 9, 2022 interview with the Vancouver Sun, Mayor Locke claimed that SPU officers and civilian staff “would be cared for” through a plan she is allegedly working out with the Surrey RCMP, Rick informed.
This approach, however, flies in the face of 275 of 293 SPU frontline officers who have signed a pledge (attached to this email) containing the following emphatic statement: “I declare that if the Surrey Police Service ceases to exist, I have no intention to apply to nor join any RCMP detachment as my next career move.”
The Mayor’s comments demonstrate the disconnect that continues to exist between City Hall politics and those who joined the Surrey Police Service (“SPS”) to serve all Surrey residents, according to Stewart.
“Our officers have voluntarily signed this declaration because of a number of specific reasons related to the RCMP, and as such, Mayor Locke’s hiring plan shows no regard for the will of our members,” explained Stewart. “The attraction of working for a Surrey-based municipal police force remains as one of the main factors behind our successful recruitment thus far.”
In addition, Mayor Locke’s interview also brought forth the possibility of placement of SPU officers “somewhere in an RCMP jurisdiction” that isn’t Surrey. Once again, the local aspect of policing remains as members’ number one motivation in wanting to remain working for the SPS, SPU’s release said.
“SPU remains focused on upholding community public safety as part of our ever-expanding integration across Surrey,” added Stewart. “If Mayor Locke truly wants to take a people-centric approach to policing, we remain open to collaboration, transparency and accountability in support of the best interests of Surrey residents.”