The 5-Step Plan To Slim Down


We all have some friends, relatives or colleagues who don’t put on weight no matter how much they eat or how little they exercise. But not all of us are that lucky, with some putting on a kilo by just looking at food. Worry not, here’s how you can follow a smart, healthy lifestyle and welcome a fitter you without sweating it out for hours at the gym.

Adopt simple habits like taking the stairs instead of the lift, switching junk food with healthy bites and eventually, picking a fun, physical activity to keep your body toned. Take note, and thank us later.

Be on the move: When your body is not in motion, it tends to put on weight. So try and move about as much as possible. We all know that taking the stairs instead of elevators is a healthy practice, but how many of us actually do that? Start doing it right away! Also, it’s a good idea to walk as you talk on the phone or cover the distance till the metro station on foot. When at work, don’t sit at your desk for long hours. Get up from your seat, do some stretching or step out for five-minute breaks, a few times a day.

Sleep for a sexier you: Sleep deprivation interferes with hormones that regulate appetite, resulting in frequent hunger pangs and hence, more calorie intake. Also, you tend to succumb to eating to raise your energy level. Hence, sleep is not just necessary for a younger-looking you, but also a for a fitter you. So, make sure you sleep for 7-8 hours every day.

Pick an activity: Physical activity results in calorie burning. So what if gymming isn’t your thing, there are many other fun ways to sweat it out. It can be something as simple as a morning walk, evening jog, running, cycling or swimming or a bit more challenging like kickboxing, yoga, pilates, aerobics or karate. Or, just play a sport that interests you. You can also dance your way to fitness by learning hip-hop, zumba, etc.

Indulge in health: All your efforts will go for a toss if you keep munching on chips, chocolates and other fattening bites. Stock up on some low fat snacking options like fruits and juices for times when hunger comes calling. Start your day with a heavy but nutritious breakfast, and try and limit your calorie intake during lunch and dinner. Choose from healthier options like steaks, salads and soups instead of desi ghee paranthas, oily curries and calorie-loaded smoothies. Whole grains like brown rice, barley and oats are also a good pick, as they fill you up with fewer calories. Also, limit your alcohol intake and switch to green tea.

Reward yourself: All work and no play will not help. If you’re following a healthy regime religiously, make sure you also reward yourself with a day sans restrictions, every two weeks. Skip your chosen physical activity and pamper yourself with your favourite treat, even if it’s fattening! This way you will not feel all frustrated and won’t give up on the fitness plan.