World’s Favourite Racist Becomes The Most Powerful Doofus In The World


Donald J. Trump is truly an outsider – like Aam Aadmi party in India (bad comparison but you get the gist that he wants to radically remake politics). He’s never won political office, was not in the armed forces – in fact his claim to fame is being a reality show host and bankrupt billionaire. He is not from the power elite – that was Hillary and the Clintons – who lost big Tuesday night, November 8, 2016. And this will forever remain a big disgrace for the Clintons and their collective legacy despite Bill’s triumphs.

By R. Paul Dhillon

Imagine having your worst nightmare come true by having a racist-misogynist buffoon who no one expected to be even come close in an election where smug but “highly corrupt” Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton raised and spent 10 times the money challenger-buffoon Donald J. Trump did only to see the man come out winner Tuesday night as America finally saw an outsider from the political establishment of both the Republicans and Democrats triumph because the will of the electorate was with him and largely because Clinton was extremely disliked.

You can tell from his speech that even Trump didn’t believe he won or seemed shocked that he won but America’s and world’s nightmare may have come true but that remains to be seen. Protests and fear have broken out in the US following Trump’s win but Americans need to relax and wait out this man’s temperament before they go protesting him and wasting their energy.

The protestors should be going after Clinton as she is the main reason Trump won – no one liked her and the party tried to shove her down Americans’ throat and they bit back with a vengeance.

When early returns began coming in on election night, it showed how hated hated Hillary Clinton is and the obvious the taint of corruption she carries showed up in huge numbers of votes cast Trump. I told my close friend, whom I lost a bet that if Trump wins I will take him to dinner at the Trump hotel in downtown Vancouver, that if his candidate wins Florida anything could happen. “President Trump – say it ain’t so but that’s what you get when you put up a corrupt woman as a candidate and voters are ready to pick an Ass over the Nasty woman!,” I wrote in a text to my friend, who was laughing all the way to “Racist-heaven!”

For all who say Trump won with the racist white vote and so called “White-Lash” – while its true that the extreme rightwing came out and supported Trump big time but he won with the votes of immigrants, Latinos-Mexicans and even African-Americans voting for him. Just look at the popular and more importantly populous support for Trump and that support can’t be discounted given his moronic behaviour cause he got the non-white vote despite his idioticness. My friend and lot of his supporters say people didn’t take his wall-building and kicking out Muslims and other extreme nonsense he was spewing seriously because they knew he was just saying “shit” to make sure they heard him talk about other things that Clinton wasn’t talking about – mainly the under-class and working class.

“They all think despite all his “bullshit and racism” – he’s still better than Hillary!,” said my friend. This may be correct as following his win – Trump’s campaign website has removed the Muslim ban and other controversial aspects of his speeches and ideas.

And without a doubt Hillary is tainted and corrupt woman and that’s why she thought she could just play Dumb against Trump’s Dumber to win but voters delivered a left hook on election night that knocked the smug right off Clinton and her Hollywood friends, who had given so much publicity to Trump by making fun of him every night.

Trump is truly an outsider – like Aam Aadmi party in India (bad comparison but you get the gist that he wants to radically remake politics). He’s never won political office, was not in the armed forces – in fact his claim to fame is being a reality show host and bankrupt billionaire. He is not from the power elite – that was Hillary and the Clintons – who lost big Tuesday night, November 8, 2016. And this will forever remain a big disgrace for the Clintons and their collective legacy despite Bill’s triumphs.

Hillary Clinton is finished and so are the Clintons politically – now they can look maybe to their daughter to one day bring the family back to top echelon of power they have held for so long!