How to become a Certified Translator?


By – Gian Singh Kotli Vancouver

The Society of Translators and Interpreters of British Columbia (STIBC) has been playing a very significant role since its inception 1981. Its Certified Translators and Interpreters have rendered great service to various communities speaking so many different languages of the world by providing high quality professional services in Translation and interpretation in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Greek, Farsi, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Burmese, English, French, and many others.
STIBC is affiliated to the Canadian Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters Council CTTIC), umbrella organization for all associations of Translators and Interpretation of Canada. So the job done by the Translators and Interpreters of STIBC is approved all over the country.

If you are interested in becoming a Certified Translator or Interpreter, the process is so easy provided you have required knowledge and vocabulary of the language. Select your language combination i.e. Punjabi to English and send your resume, qualification and requisite fee to STIBC office.

If your application is approved then you are to sit in 2-hours written examination. If you pass by getting 70% marks then you become an Associate Member of the STIBC, not a Certified Translator. But your name will be listed in the Directory of Translators in the category of Associate Members of the STIBC.

After becoming an Associate Member you have to sit in the final 3-hours Certification Examination by STIBC in collaboration with CTTIC. The most fantastic thing in this examination is that you can take any number of dictionaries with you and consult them. If you pass with 70% marks then you become a Certified Translator and STIBC will give you the required official Seal of Certified Translator.

This is a national examination and recognized by all provincial Translation societies in Canada. This is in brief. If you need more details about anything you may contact STIBC office staff members who are very courteous and highly helping-hands.

Note this contact information. Address: 400-1501 W. Broadway, Vancouver B.C. V6J4Z6. Tel. 6046842940.

(Gian Singh Kotli is Certified Translator of STIBC and
Contributing Writer of The Link Newspaper.)