First turbaned cop Baltej Dhillon nominated as BC NDP candidate in Surrey-Serpentine River


With a vision for more progress in Surrey-Serpentine River, prominent community member Baltej Dhillon has been nominated as the riding’s BC NDP candidate, promising to take on tough challenges and make life better for people.

Baltej Dhillon joined the RCMP in 1990. He made history as the first RCMP officer to be allowed to wear a turban as part of his uniform, paving the way for turban-wearing Sikhs to serve in our national police service as their fullest selves.

A resident of Surrey for 35 years, he volunteers as a youth counsellor, is active with many non-profits, and since 2019 has worked with BC’s anti-gang agency: the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit of British Columbia.

“We need a government that will work to keep everyday people safe, through fighting organized crime, ending gang violence, and keeping young people away from crime so they can start their lives on the right track,” said Dhillon. “That’s what we have in the BC NDP. That is where my passion lies. I can’t wait to take action on these issues, building on the BC NDP’s track record on public safety, housing, healthcare, and affordability.”

“Baltej will bring decades of experience, dedication and passion for community safety and the welfare of young people to our caucus. I am so glad he is on the team,” said Premier David Eby. “British Columbians deserve safe and welcoming communities — and they can trust our BC NDP government to take action to keep them and their families secure.”

Baltej Dhillon will join David Eby and 91 other exceptional BC NDP candidates in this fall’s provincial election, all committed to real action to help people build a good life here in BC.

Dhillon will be running against BC United candidate Puneet Sandhar in this riding. Sandhar is a lawyer. In the 2017 general election, Puneet ran as the BC Liberal candidate in Surrey-Panorama. “I’m running as the BC United MLA for Surrey-Serpentine River because Surrey residents are tired of the broken promises from David Eby and the current NDP Government,” said Sandhar. “Trust is what we build our lives on. As a mother of two girls, and an active member of this community, I’m determined to reclaim that trust. I’m committed to fighting for a better Surrey, not only for my daughters, but also for future generations. It’s time to put an end to the current government taking our community for granted,” said Sandhar.