New Chinese Consul General Meets With Indo-Canadian Business Heavyweights

(L-R) Consul GAO Jianzheng , Albert Fok, Raj Hundal, Consul General LIU Fei, Honourable Mike Harcourt, Dr Peter Wong, John Evans

VANCOUVER – The new Chinese Consul General LIU Fei in Vancouver attended a business breakfast meeting Tuesday organized by businessman Dr. Peter Wong.

Wong said “there was a great turnout of diverse business people from former Premier Mike Harcourt, Investment banker David Sidoo,  former Attorney General Wally Oppal, Venture capitalist Hari Varshney,  Vancouver Police Chief Jim Chu, First Nation Grand Chief Ed John, , Venture Capitalist Thal Poonian, Opus Hotels developer John Evans, Albert Fok the Chair of Vancouver Chinatown Business Improvement Association, NDP l candidate Raj Hundal, Imperial Metals Chairman Pierre Lebel and Vancouver Police Board member Wade Grant.”

David Sidoo told the Link newspaper “There are many companies that do a lot of work overseas and are looking to enter the Chinese market, this working breakfast meeting was a great idea on Dr. Peter Wong’s part and allowed various leaders to speak about their companies and see how the new Consul General may be able to assist them in any business or investment trade they may want to conduct in China.”

The Chinese Consul General stated that “China is open for business; she is here to facilitate a greater relationship with British Columbia, weather it be First Nations or Indo-Canadian, she is looking forward to developing new partnerships.”